Analysis of the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
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Cardiovascular diseases are the most common and important cause of morbidity, hospitalisation, and mortality in Poland and worldwide. Hence, in recent years there has been a strong emphasis on preventive cardiology, aimed at early identification and prevention of cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle changes. The main classical risk factors include lipid disorders, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. A new non-classical risk factor is HCV infection.
The study group consisted of 320 patients with a mean age of 43 years, diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C. In the study group, ischaemic heart disease was diagnosed in 4 patients, representing 1.25%. Six people had a history of ischaemic stroke, representing 1.87% of the study group.
Among the subjects, the most common cardiovascular risk factor was hyperlipidaemia (28%); there was no correlation with the severity of liver fibrosis for total cholesterol, LDL fraction, or TG, but more advanced liver fibrosis was observed in patients with low HDL fraction cholesterol values. Hypertension was present in 25% of patients and occurred in patients with more advanced liver fibrosis and steatosis. Diabetes was found in 11,56% of patients, also the mean fasting glucose level was elevated and was associated with more advanced liver fibrosis. The majority of patients were overweight and 32% were diagnosed as obese. The mean CRP value was 1.73 which may indicate moderate -cardiovascular risk.
The results obtained may contribute to the awareness of physicians and the attempt to create recommendations for comprehensive - interdisciplinary care of patients chronically infected with HCV, concerning the need for systematic periodic examinations to assess individual cardiovascular risk factors, with the aim of prevention and early prevention of cardiovascular events.
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